Friday, December 14, 2012


Today hit far too close to home. Today (as of the last news cast I saw) 20 innocent children and 6 adults lost their lives to the hands of a mad man in Newtown, CT. The Sandy Hook Elementary School and the Newtown community has suffered an unimaginable loss.

I have a niece and nephews who attend the Newtown school district in Connecticut. I've visited the area countless times to spend time with my family. It's a sleepy and picturesque town, where things like this don't happen, but at 11:04 am I was sitting in a meeting at work and I received a text from my mom saying "Newtown school shooting - not Cindy's (my sister) kids school, everyone is ok." No one ever wants to receive that phone call or message. But all I can keep thinking about are those families who have lost those precious babies and family members. My heart goes out to them. I can't even begin to imagine how deep this loss is. It's unfortunate that it's tragic events like this that often have us counting our blessings. I ask you to hug your loved ones a little tighter tonight and send a prayer to Sandy Hook. I know I am.

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